Guangdong Fogang Rural Commercial Bank Co., Ltd Signs the UN Principles for Responsible Banking

Guangdong Fogang Rural Commercial Bank Co., Ltd

Signs the UN Principles for Responsible Banking


May 9, 2022, China –Guangdong Fogang Rural Commercial Bank Co., Ltd has become an official Signatory of the UN Principles for Responsible Banking – a single framework for a sustainable banking industry developed through a partnership between banks worldwide and the United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP FI).  

The Principles are the leading framework for ensuring that banks’ strategy and practice align with the vision society has set out for its future in the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Climate Agreement. Banks who have signed the Principles commit to be ambitious in their sustainability strategies, working to mainstream and embed sustainability into the heart of their business, while allowing them to remain at the cutting-edge of sustainable finance.

Under the Principles, signatory banks measure the environmental and social impact resulting from their business activities, set and implement targets where they have the most significant impact, and regularly report publicly on their progress. The Principles provide a framework for banks to systematically understand the risks and seize the opportunities arising from the transition to more sustainable economies.

Signatories to the Principles take on a leadership role, demonstrating how banking products, services and relationships can support and accelerate the changes necessary to achieve shared prosperity for both current and future generations, building a positive future for both people and planet. These banks also join the world’s largest global banking community focused on sustainable finance, sharing best-practice and working together on practical guidance and pioneering tools of benefit to the entire industry.

This is a journey of unprecedented scale and scope at a time when such ambition is urgently needed to address the major planetary crises of climate change, nature loss, pollution and social issues. Together, these collective efforts will ensure that profitability goes hand in hand with a sense of purpose.

Fogang Rural Commercial Bank, Chairman Wang Leishan said:

We are very proud to be the first local corporate bank in Guangdong Province to commit to the UNEP FI Principles for Responsible Banking. As the largest local corporate financial institution and the main force of rural finance in Fogang County, Fogang Rural Commercial Bank unanimously centers on the positioning of inclusive, rural and local banks, focuses on serving agriculture, rural areas, farmers , small and micro enterprises, actively practices Sustainable Finance and Industrious Finance, committed to building a small but beautiful national benchmark bank. We adhere to the new development concepts of innovation, coordination, greenness, openness and sharing, continuously increase support for green economy, low-carbon economy and circular economy, and integrate sustainable development practices into our business. We help achieve the goal of peak and neutrality goal on carbon emissions with financial strength, and fulfill social responsibility in the process of creating long-term value for customers, shareholders and the whole society. We see our responsibility as encompassing all aspects of sustainability: economic, social, as well as environmental. With our declaration to the Principles for Responsible Banking, we affirm and express our willingness to assume an active leadership role in sustainable changes, and adhere to the path of financial support for green, low-carbon, sustainable, and high-quality development. We will try our best to contribute to keeping the beautiful natural environment, to make a better community and a better world through sustainable finance.

Media Contacts

Zeng Zhirun ,86-0763-4291686

More information on the Principles for Responsible Banking:www.unepfi.org/responsiblebanking




2022年5月9日-中国-广东佛冈农村商业银行股份有限公司,已成为联合国负责任银行原则的正式签署方。《负责任银行原则》是通过全球银行与联合国环境规划署金融倡议 (UNEP FI) 合作开发的可持续银行业的单一框架。





佛冈农商银行董事长王磊珊表示:“我们很荣幸能够成为广东省第一家致力于 UNEP FI 负责任银行原则的地方法人银行。作为佛冈县内规模最大的地方法人金融机构和农村金融主力军,一致围绕普惠、农村、本土银行的定位,聚焦服务农业、农村、农民和小微企业,践行绿色金融、勤劳金融,致力于打造‘小而美’的全国标杆银行。我们坚持创新、协调、绿色、开放、共享的新发展理念,不断加大对绿色经济、低碳经济、循环经济的支持,将可持续发展实践融入到我们的业务,在为客户、股东和整个社会创造长期价值的过程中履行社会责任,以金融力量助力碳达峰、碳中和。我们认为我们的责任涵盖可持续性的各个方面:经济、社会和环境。通过我们对负责任银行原则声明,我们确认并表达了我们愿意在可持续变革中发挥积极领导作用,坚持走金融支持绿色低碳可持续高质量发展道路守住青山绿水,绿色金融让世界更美丽!


曾志润  0763-4291686

